Candidate sourcing for successful recruitment

Trainer:Helen Pärli
Duration:8 academic hours
Target group:For those involved in recruiting new talent for their team or company and believe there's room for improvement in finding the right candidates – this includes HR managers, recruiters, office managers handling recruitment, and managers involved in the hiring process.

This training is designed to help recruiters and hiring managers uncover and apply broader strategies to attract top specialists and managers to join their team. Outsourcing targeted talent searches can be costly, but with the right knowledge and skills, companies can manage it themselves effectively.

With a growing labor shortage and a steep decline in the available talent pool in Estonia over the next five years, finding suitable employees is increasingly challenging. In many sectors and positions, simply advertising a job opening isn’t sufficient because potential candidates might already be employed elsewhere and unaware of new opportunities.

This is where a proactive approach to recruitment and targeted search comes into play. But what exactly is targeted search? In a nutshell, it involves identifying passive candidates, engaging with them, and persuading them to consider a career move. The key is to understand what makes a targeted search successful, how to plan and execute it, and how to approach someone who isn’t actively seeking a job.

The goal of this training is to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills needed for conducting targeted searches, identifying suitable candidates, and achieving successful recruitment outcomes.

This training is right for you if you answer “yes” to any of these questions:
  1. Want to ensure you’re hiring the best candidates, not just the ones who send in their resumes?
  2. Interested in learning how to create a candidate profile that effectively attracts the right candidates?
  3. Want an overview of the successful targeted search process and the roles of different parties involved?
  4. Curious about the various methods and channels for sourcing candidates for different job profiles?
  5. Eager to build strong connections with potential candidates without appearing spammy?
  6. Want to become an expert in designing an exceptional candidate experience throughout the targeted search process?
  7. Need a concrete action plan and tools for conducting a targeted search.
Upon completing this training, participants will be able to:
  1. Create a comprehensive role profile as the foundation for a targeted search.
  2. Grasp the key characteristics and significance of each stage in a successful targeted search process.
  3. Familiarize themselves with various targeted search channels and methodologies.
  4. Evaluate the suitability of different targeted search channels based on specific recruitment needs.

This seminar-style training employs a variety of methods to facilitate learning, including trainer presentations, discussions, paired activities, group exercises, and individual tasks. The training commences with an explanation of the targeted search process and culminates in the practical application of specific targeted search methods and channels. Participants have the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice during the training, allowing them to solidify their understanding of the concepts. Additionally, after the training, participants can seek guidance from the trainer to address any questions or concerns that may have arisen during their practical work.

Learn more about the training and secure your spot by registering here!

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