Onboarding training: How to ensure the best experience for a new employee?

Trainer:Helen Pärli
Duration:One-day training, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. + preliminary work before the training (0.5 academic hours) and an independent practical task after the training 0.5 academic hours).
Target group:Anyone who wants to better understand the connection of the new employee onboarding program with a positive employee experience and employee loyalty is welcome to attend the training.

A well-structured onboarding program plays an important role in assisting team leaders in ensuring the smooth welcome of new hires. This program serves as a means to foster a sense of belonging, enabling new employees to efficiently start working toward their goals and delivering results.

To equip new employees with essential information and facilitate their integration into their roles, managers are tasked with creating and implementing a comprehensive onboarding program. This training is designed to empower managers with the requisite knowledge and skills to excel in this endeavor.

Upon completing this training, participants will:

  • Grasp the content and significance of a new employee onboarding program.
  • Demonstrate the ability to design and execute an induction process that aligns with the unique characteristics of their organization.
  • Possess the knowledge to instruct and familiarize new employees with the organization’s values, work culture, communication practices, role objectives, team dynamics, overall company goals, tool utilization, task assignments, management structure, customer interaction, and more.
  • Be proficient in utilizing the RACI model to map out the various stages of a new employee onboarding program.

NB! The training will be held in Estonian

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